Calorie Counter Search Results
Your search for 'raw' returned 3026 choice(s). Click on a food link down below to see the nutritional facts for that food or you can search again to refine your results by adding or removing keywords. Click here to go back to main calorie counter page.
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Dairy and Egg Products
Spices and Herbs
Poultry Products
Sausages and Luncheon Meats
Breakfast Cereals
Fruits and Fruit Juices
Pork Products
Vegetables and Vegetable Products
Nut and Seed Products
Beef Products
Finfish and Shellfish Products
Legumes and Legume Products
Lamb, Veal, and Game Products
Baked Products
Cereal Grains and Pasta
Fast Foods
Ethnic Foods
- E.d Smith Strawberry Jam (User Entry)
- E.d. Smith No Sugar Jam -strawberry (User Entry)
- Eas Advantedge Chocolate Strawberry Mousse Bar (User Entry)
- Eas Advantedge Strawberry (User Entry)
- Eas Advantedge Strawberry Shake 330ml=11 Fl Oz (User Entry)
- Eas Chocolate Strawberry Mousse Bar (User Entry)
- Eas Edge Advant "choc Strawberry Mousse" (User Entry)
- Eas Strawberry (User Entry)
- Eas Strawberry Protein Shake (User Entry)
- Eas Strawberry Protien Shake (User Entry)
- Eas Strawberry Shake (User Entry)
- Eat-n-park Strawberry Muffin (User Entry)
- Eating Right: Strawberry Light Yogurt (User Entry)
- Eating Right: Strawberry Sunday (User Entry)
- Edy's All Nat Fruit Bar Strawberry (User Entry)
- Edy's Fruit Bar Straw/rhub (User Entry)
- Edy's Fruit Bar, Strawberry (User Entry)
- Edy's Outshine Fruit Bars (strawberry) (User Entry)
- Edy's R&c Real Strawberry Ice Cream (User Entry)
- Edy's Slow Churned Strawberry Ice Cream (User Entry)
- Edy's Strawberry Bar (User Entry)
- Edy's Strawberry Fruit Bar (User Entry)
- Edy's Strawberry Popsicle (User Entry)
- Edys Strawberry Fruit Bar (User Entry)
- Egg Raw (User Entry)
- Egg, Duck, Whole, Fresh, Raw (USDA)
- Egg, Goose, Whole, Fresh, Raw (USDA)
- Egg, Quail, Whole, Fresh, Raw (USDA)
- Egg, Turkey, Whole, Fresh, Raw (USDA)
- Egg, White, Raw, Fresh (USDA)
- Egg, White, Raw, Fresh - Large (User Entry)
- Egg, White, Raw, Frozen (USDA)
- Egg, Whole Raw (User Entry)
- Egg, Whole, Raw, Fresh (USDA)
- Egg, Whole, Raw, Frozen (USDA)
- Egg, Yolk, Raw, Fresh (USDA)
- Egg, Yolk, Raw, Frozen (USDA)
- Egg, Yolk, Raw, Frozen, Salted (USDA)
- Egg, Yolk, Raw, Frozen, Sugared (USDA)
- Egg,white Raw, Frozen (User Entry)
- Eggo Strawberry Waffle (User Entry)
- Eggo Waffle Strawberry (User Entry)
- Eggplant Raw (User Entry)
- Eggplant, Raw (USDA)
- Elderberries, Raw (USDA)
- Elk, Free Range, Ground, Raw (shoshone Bannock) (USDA)
- Elk, Free Range, Roast, Eye Of Round, Raw (shoshone Bannock) (USDA)
- Elle & Vire Strawberry Yogurt (User Entry)
- Emu, Fan Fillet, Raw (USDA)
- Emu, Flat Fillet, Raw (USDA)