Mini-Chocolate Fondue Recipe

For most of us who want to lose weight, cutting out "forbidden" desserts or snacks is like waving a red flag at an enraged bull.

"What do you mean I can't have chocolate? Screw that! I'm going to have a TON of chocolate."

Or at least that's how I get.

The FitWatch philosophy is to make changes you can live with for the rest of your life. Giving up chocolate is not something I want to do.

The trick, then, is chocolate in moderation -- and to find a way to indulge a chocolate craving without going overboard. A piece of chocolate is nice -- but boring. Chocolate fondue, on the other hand? S-W-O-O-N! The problem with chocolate fondue is it's made with cream, takes time and made in large batches. (Are you really going to stick to one serving when you've got a pot full of melted chocolate sitting in front of you?)

But I have your back! I came up with a low calorie, single-serving, quick and easy mini-chocolate fondue. The fondue itself is only 60 calories! Add in fresh fruit and you can indulge your chocolate craving without having left-overs calling to you in the middle of the night.

Here's the recipe:
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Are You Really Hungry? 3 Ways to Unscramble the Signals

Have you ever been in one of those moods where you kept feeling hungry and you wanted to eat, but nothing really satisfied you? At times like this you may have found yourself "grazing" on several different types of food, but you couldn't quiet that nagging feeling in your gut that says, "Feed me".

At other times you may have been so ravenous that you were ready to eat the slipcover off the sofa.

It seems like we would know when we're actually hungry, but sometimes the signals can get crossed so we're not really sure. Below are a few simple steps you can take to figure out if you are REALLY hungry, not just bored or craving something else.
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3 Ways to Reduce Sugar Cravings

When you're trying to cut back on sugar, the discomfort that ensues can be incredibly difficult to withstand. One of the more frustrating aspects of sugar withdrawal is the constant, persistent cravings that keep nagging at you. Is there anything you can do to minimize these cravings, or do you just have to deal with them until they go away?

Unfortunately there aren't any "magic pills" that will make sugar cravings vanish instantly, but there ARE things you can do to help make them easier to bear. Below you'll find three good ways to help reduce cravings for sugar:
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7 Healthy Snacks to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth on a Diet

One of the things that people often miss the most when trying to lose weight is dessert. When you're trying to save calories, sweets are often the first to go.

Fortunately, you don't have to forgo all sweets. There are many delicious sweet treats that you can enjoy without breaking your diet. Check out the following list for ideas.

*Note: As with all things, moderation is key; keep an eye on your portion size and stay within your calorie deficit.
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6 Satisfying Foods That Won't Leave You Hungry

When you're trying to lose weight, what's the first round of advice you usually receive? Lower your calorie intake. Great idea, right? It depends on how you do it. Lowering your calorie intake and eating all of the foods we consider diet fare, such as lettuce, carrots, and celery (sometimes referred to as rabbit food) can actually bite you back if you get hungry.

By not getting enough fiber or protein in your meals, you can sabotage your own weight loss endeavors. Sure, that salad is good for you, but is it enough to keep the hunger pangs on a leash?
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How To Eliminate Your Cravings For Sweets

It is never a surprise to find yourself craving for the next meal or snack. Many people do have very healthy appetites all throughout the day. But, do you ever find yourself craving for food that is particularly sweet? Like, chocolate, candies, caramels and the like? Ah yes, a good number of people do enjoy a special appetite for sweets. Now, don’t feel guilty. For most people, the association of sweets as a reward for a good day’s work has its roots to childhood rearing. Do you remember when your doctor offers you a lollipop in exchange for a well-behaved check-up with him? Or, do you recall your mom giving you an extra slice of cake after you’ve helped her tidy up the house? These little efforts of reward have slowly but steadily laid the foundation of your appetite for sweets during your adult years. Nevertheless, just like almost everything in the world, there is a scientific explanation to this appetite for sweets. It was discovered by scientists at the University of California, San Francisco, constant stress inflicted on lab rats initiated a natural desire to seek pleasing activities like eating sugary foods. To relate this to humans, sweet cravings may be triggered by tensions that consequently result in your body’s release of hormones called epinephrine and cortisol. These hormones create energy in the form of blood sugar. As a result, your body reacts to stress by increasing your appetite for sweets. Although there is really nothing wrong with an occasional sweet treat, a significant increase in its desire and indulgence will result to unhealthy consequences to your body --- like upsurges in blood sugar level that leads to unwelcome mood swings and, more excessively, to type 2 diabetes. Here are a few suggestions on how to curb that appetite for sweets:
  • Eat five to 6 times a day to keep your blood sugar level. Eating smaller meals, more frequently will not only help keep cravings at bay but will help you lose weight, too.
  • Enjoy healthy servings of carefully selected fruits. Some fruits help keep blood sugar steady like berries, apples and pears. Stay away from excessive intake of pineapple and watermelon.
  • Take a hike. When you are hit with the next sweet craving, distract yourself by taking a stroll until the craving passes.
  • Lastly, if your appetite for sweets has taken over your will power, ask for help. Behavioral therapy can help.
What's the Difference Between Hunger And Appetite?
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Junk Food & Overeating: Here's Why You Do It

Smart marketing for a product isn't just about advertising. It's about creating services or goods that people can't live without -- or that they crave on a continual basis. This is exactly what food manufacturers consider when they create a product for you to eat. Their goal is for you enjoy it and overeat your normal consumption because that's more money in their pocket.

Fat and sugar and salt are the three main culprits that stimulate your brain to make you eat more. While you think you're just answering your hunger cues, in reality, your body is being over-stimulated to eat more than your body needs.
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9 Quick Fixes to Quiet Hunger Pains

One of the main reasons people cheat on their diets or just give up altogether is because, quite frankly, they're H-U-N-G-R-Y. And being hungry all the time is difficult to live with for a day, much less for weeks on end.

Here are 9 tips to make sure that hunger pains don't derail all of your hard work.
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What's the Difference Between Appetite and Hunger?

There is no better time clock than your own body. Have you noticed how efficient your body is at letting you know if it is time for breakfast, snack, lunch or dinner? But problems arise because we generally have two reasons for eating. The first is hunger and the second is appetite. Aren't hunger and appetite the same thing, you may be asking. Not at all. Hunger is completely different from appetite.
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