
Three Ways to Empower Yourself

When you’re feeling unsure of yourself or your capabilities, your options in life can seem few and far between. Not only do you have trouble recognizing opportunities to improve your life, you also resist taking action and end up feeling stuck and defeated much of the time. Empowering yourself is a simple matter of switching your perspective and choosing to believe that you are not powerless or stuck. For[...]
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Empowerment and Fear

Do you ever allow fearful thoughts to erode your confidence and diminish your sense of empowerment? It’s a common trend for many people, and when you’re stuck in the midst of fear and uncertainty it can seem like an impossible task to pull yourself out of it. However, fear and empowerment are actually like two opposite sides of the same coin. On one side is the belief that you[...]
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Knowledge is Power

Part of being an empowered person is having intimate knowledge and awareness of yourself as an individual, including your strengths, talents, weaknesses, capabilities and limitations. How well do you know yourself? You’d be surprised how many people don’t know themselves at all! If you’ve spent the majority of your time focusing on the people around you, you may not have a clear self-image, which can lead to feelings of[...]
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Self-Love Empowers You

When you think of personal empowerment, you probably think of qualities like strength, confidence, courage and tenacity – but did you know that self-love is also an important aspect of empowerment? When you truly love yourself . . .
  • You treat yourself with respect and kindness. You set firm boundaries in your life, you devote time and attention to proper self-care, and you consider your personal time to be a[...]
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Empower Yourself with Positive Self-Talk

The way you speak to yourself mentally and verbally has a powerful impact on your self-image. Berating or belittling yourself, minimizing your achievements or doubting your capabilities will most definitely create a sense of disempowerment, limiting your potential in virtually every aspect of your life. On the other hand, positive and encouraging self-talk will contribute to inner strength and self-respect, which will drastically alter the way you see yourself and[...]
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Build Your Strength

When it comes to personal empowerment, feeling strong and grounded is crucial. Without a perception of yourself as strong and resilient, you’ll find yourself cowering in the face of challenges; feeling intimidated by other people, and weighed down by your own fears and insecurities. A strong person, on the other hand, knows that he or she can handle life’s challenges and triumph over any adversity. There are four key areas where[...]
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