Yoga for Your Body and Mind

Yoga exercises help you strengthen your body, make it more flexible, calm your mind and give you energy. Yoga sessions are designed for people of all ages worldwide, for helping promote harmony and balance of the body and mind, where you learn to recognize when one side is stronger or more flexible than the other.

Basic Yoga Exercises

The practice of yoga offers plenty for everyone. You can modify positions and systems easily to meet your needs as well as physical conditions, using a variety of props around you like cushions, chairs, walls, floor mats or other items.

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Even the Most Inflexible Can Do Yoga

Yoga isn't complicated and can be undertaken by anyone of any age. Yoga isn't all about getting into impossible positions, there is so much more to it that that and yoga can benefit people by a wide variety of things not only illness.

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Goodbye, Crunches! How Pilates and Yoga Can Improve Your Abs

If you want strong, toned abs, you have to do crunches, right? That used to be true, but now you have several options that don't involve any stressful, painful crunches. You can use Yoga, Pilates, or both to have sleek, toned abs, plus strong back muscles and a totally healthy overall physique.

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Yoga To Relieve Back Pain

Back pain is debilitating and affects every area of your life. The most common area of the back to experience pain is the lumbar region, or the lower back. Learn how the practice of yoga can bring relief for back pain sufferers.

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Get Fit With Yoga Goals

Establishing yoga goals is the first step towards reaching them. So let's dig in with yoga goals by learning more about goal setting with yoga in mind so that you can establish - and successfully reach - your yoga goals.

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Yoga for Seniors

Yoga: The Perfect Choice for Senior Fitness

Yoga may be popular with younger people today, but that doesn't mean it's not a great workout for seniors. It's a low impact workout that doesn't put excess stress on vulnerable bodies.

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