
5 Running Tips For Beginners

Running is a fantastic way to get in shape, lose weight, and to find better peace of mind and overall health. It's a cheap and easy way to get in shape; all you have to do is run, with little gear required. And, in as little as thirty minutes you can get a very complete cardio workout.

With all these benefits, it might be tempting to go out right now and run ten miles, right? Wrong! Before you do that, check out these five running tips for beginners. You'll have a better running experience if you do.

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Boost Your Workouts With This Zero-Calorie Nutrient

What's one nutrient that has zero calories yet can boost your energy while working out? Water! Water is not only important to drink as you go about your daily business, but you need to make sure you're drinking enough while working out. Dehydration can make you run out of steam while exercising -- and even contribute to a lack of coordination, which will effect your form and could potentially contribute to an exercise-related injury.

You see, your body needs water to help it do certain things like regulate your body temperature, carry oxygen and nutrients to cells -- and to help your heart function at its best. If you're dehydrated, your workouts could suffer.

But how much water should you drink when you've got a workout planned? And when? Here are some tips on how much to drink before, during and after exercise:
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9 Ways Exercise Can Make You Feel Better

Do you find yourself in a mid-afternoon slump at the office? Do you drag yourself home only to collapse onto the sofa and look forward to the day ending so you can get into the bed?

Moving more may be the last thing you think of doing and what you desire the least, but it could be exactly what you need to help you feel alert and less tired when the day comes to a close.

Here are 9 ways exercise can make you feel better:
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Too Busy to Exercise? Time to Squeeze in Physical Activity!

It's hard to find someone who has plenty of time to squeeze in a career, family interaction, and attention to good health or weight loss. Even stay at home moms are swamped with the schedules of their family -- not to mention the duties of running a household. If you feel there's no time to fit in a bit of exercise, you're wrong. Even the most hectic schedule can afford a few minutes a day, and I'll show you how!
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Why Am I Not Losing Weight? The Real Reason You're Stuck in a Plateau

Have you been stuck at the same weight for a few weeks despite the fact that you seem to be doing all the "right" things? It's frustrating when your weight loss comes to a stop even though your routine hasn't changed much. This happens to a lot of people and is commonly referred to as a plateau.

There are a couple of different reasons why the scale isn't budging. With a few tweaks to your routine, you'll find that you can start losing weight again. Take a look at some of the most common reasons why you may not be losing weight:
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4 Smart Ways to Fit Exercise Into Your Hectic Day

Exercise is one of the most important pieces of the weight loss puzzle, but many people find that they have a hard time fitting it in. These days, most people have a hectic schedule and it seems that there simply isn't enough time to stick to a good work routine, especially if you are juggling work, family, and personal time.

Doctors recommend getting at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day. This can be something as simple as a walk around the block. It's also a good idea to try to fit in some strength building exercises, since muscle burns more calories and helps you to look slimmer. While this may seem like a lot, there are a few ways that you can work on squeezing in some exercise, even when you think that you don't have any time.
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10 Ways to Exercise While Watching TV

Have you watched in horror as your backside began to spread to a size that rivaled your couch cushions? Being a couch potato can wreak havoc on your health, but if TV is an addiction for you, you can easily remedy the situation by trying out these 10 ways to exercise while watching TV. I know, I know -- if I were a good weight loss website owner, I'd tell you to turn the TV off and never turn it on again! (And if you watch a lot of TV, you should whittle it down.) But, as someone who was called Miss TV Guide as a pre-teen, I know it's not that easy. I'm looking forward to a few season premieres these next few weeks myself (House, Survivor, The Office, Big Bang Theory -- to name a few). I don't watch The Biggest Loser often because it usually conflicts with some show I like whose name escapes me, at the moment. But I know a lot of people do like watching The Biggest Loser -- it can be inspirational; just remember they're being supervised! You need to work the weight off more slowly... (If you're a Biggest Loser fan, I've got a weight loss percentage calculator that calculates the percentage lost as they do on the show.) So, bearing in mind that I'm covering my butt by telling you to turn the TV off, if you're not going to listen, at least don't just sit there...
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Get Up Off Your Chair! At Your Desk Fitness Tips

One of the drawbacks of our evolution from hunter-gatherers to a civilized society is that our work tools morphed from the use of spears to computers, causing our waists and backsides to expand from the lack of energy we've had to expend on our survival. Your desk doesn't have to cause the demise of your diet - I'm going to show you how to get fit while at your desk day or night!
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Too Hot to Work Out? Cool Yourself Down With This Exercise

Do you enjoy soaking up the summer sun with sand in between your toes? Do you want to make sure you're able to rock that little polka-dot bikini? Take advantage of swimming for exercise during these warm months!

Swimming for exercise could very well be the best thing you do during the summer for your health. Swimming is great for your body - it works so many different muscles. Swimming hits your lungs, arms, legs, and abs, too - all while cooling you down.

Here are a few ideas to get you going:
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Couch to 5k Exercise Plan

It's no secret that running is a highly beneficial form of exercise. It provides a great workout for weight loss, toning and cardiac health. But many of us can't run across the front yard without getting winded. This often leads to the mistaken belief that we just can't be successful runners. The truth is, almost anyone who can walk can run for exercise. Those of us who are out of shape just need to build up slowly but steadily. Too many people try to run long distances at top speed when starting out, and that only leaves them out of breath and makes them more susceptible to injury. A better approach is found in the Couch to 5k exercise plan.
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