Calories Burned Search Results

Your search for exercises in the 'While Doing Winter Sports' category returned 15 choice(s). Click on an exercise down below to calculate the calories you'll burn doing that exercise. Or click here to go back to main calories burned page and refine your search.

You can also search by keyword(s) in this category.

  1. Skating, ice, light to moderate
  2. Skating, ice, general
  3. Skating, ice, vigorous
  4. Speed skating, competitive
  5. Skiing, general
  6. Skiing, cross country, 2.5 mph, light
  7. Skiing, cross country, 4.0-4.9 mph, moderate
  8. Skiing, cross country, 5.0-7.9 mph, vigorous
  9. Skiing, cross country, more than 8.0 mph, very vigorous
  10. Skiing, downhill, light
  11. Skiing, downhill, moderate
  12. Skiing, downhill, vigorous
  13. Sledding/tobogganing
  14. Snowshoeing
  15. Snowmobiling