How Getting Organized Can Help You Lose Weight

Published by FitWatch

Have you ever heard that your outer surroundings are a direct reflection of what’s going on inside of you?  In many ways this is true - when you feel overwhelmed, stressed and confused, you may not devote the same amount of effort to keeping your home and work space clean and orderly.  You may not devote much time and attention to taking good care of yourself, either.

It can also work the other way.  Disorganized, chaotic surroundings make you feel weighed down, fatigued and unmotivated.

Taking the time to organize, clean and harmonize your surroundings can do wonders for your state of mind and body.  You’ll feel clear, energized and eager to move forward on your goals - that includes weight loss goals as well as other goals.

Here are a few ways you can get more organized—and drop those pounds: Getting Started The first place you should start is by clearing out and throwing away any trash and items you no longer use.  This includes old newspapers and magazines, books you’ve read and no longer want to keep, and other clutter.

For items you want to keep, be sure that you put them away out of sight, except for a few cherished items to keep on display.  Everything else can be stored in boxes, drawers, and closets.  Make sure you neaten the drawers, cupboards and closets too.  Jumbled messes are draining even if they are hidden behind closed doors.

The Most Important Room? Since weight loss is one of your goals, be sure to devote a lot of attention to organizing your kitchen.  Toss out foods that have expired or things you no longer want to eat.  If some of these foods belong to your family members, simply put them in a cabinet you don’t open regularly, or designate a separate cabinet just for your own healthy foods.  Discard worn-out dishes and pots, chipped cups and glasses, and buy new ones to replace them. 

This One Isn’t Easy For Some—Can You Do It? Especially be sure to throw away or give away any “fat clothes” you may have been holding onto!  Unless they are your current size and you wear them regularly, you don’t need to keep them “in case” you gain weight again.  Tell yourself that you are not allowing that as an option and your size will continue to go DOWN, not up.  Then get rid of the clothes.

It’s okay if this organization process takes awhile - don’t feel like you have to get it all done in one day.  Start with one room and work your way gradually through the rest of your home.

Once you’ve gotten everything organized, light some candles and sit back to enjoy the harmonious atmosphere.  Do your best to keep your home neat and clean as much as possible (without stressing about it!), and you should notice immediately that this new practice helps you feel calmer, happier and more balanced.  An added benefit is that cleaning your home regularly burns more calories, so you’ll actually be helping yourself to reach your weight loss goals faster and easier!

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FitWatch makes weight loss simple by doing all the counting for you and giving you down-to-earth weight loss information, tips and tricks you can actually use in your everyday life to lose weight and get fit. Eat better, move more and believe in yourself with FitWatch! Start exploring FitWatch. Follow us on Google+