Three Must Eat Breakfast Foods To Help With Carb Cravings

by Suzanne Hiscock
Is your breakfast leaving you feeling ravenous by mid-morning? Do you find yourself so hungry by lunch time you're craving fast food -- and wolfing it down in two minutes flat?

Or maybe you don't eat breakfast at all?  You're running out of the house fueled by a cup of coffee.  And when you get to work, you're grabbing the donuts or muffins somebody kindly (!) left in the by the coffee pot.

The problem is likely what you're having for breakfast -- or, rather, what you're not having for breakfast.

Toast and jam, cereal, "breakfast bars", juice, low fat yogurt, muffins, bagels and low fat cream cheese...  These are the so-called "healthy" breakfasts. The ones we've been told all our lives to eat.

What these breakfasts are made of, though,  are highly processed carbs which your body digests and metabolizes quickly, spiking up your blood sugar levels and then crashing them down to low levels.  You're now on the blood sugar rollercoaster where your body wants MORE CARBS NOW.  Boom! Cravings!

What these breakfasts are missing is protein, healthy fats and fiber.

See: Do You Eat These High Protein Foods?

Getting some protein, fats and fiber at each meal, especially breakfast, can help with blood sugar management, metabolism and weight loss.  And it can even help you with carb cravings later in the day!

They'll help you feel fuller longer and you'll use up a bunch of calories to absorb and metabolize the protein and fat.  So I'm going to show you how to get the protein, as well as some veggies and healthy fats for your soon-to-be favourite new “go-to” breakfasts.

Breakfast Food #1: Eggs

Yes, eggs are the “quintessential” breakfast food.  And for good reason!

No, I'm not talking about processed egg whites in a carton.  I mean actual whole “eggs”.  

Egg whites are mostly protein while the yolks are the real nutritional powerhouses.  Those yolks contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats.

Eggs have been shown to help you feel full, keep you feeling fuller longer, and help to stabilize blood sugar and insulin.

Not to mention how easy it is to boil a bunch of eggs and keep them in the fridge for a “grab and go” breakfast when you're running short on time.

And...nope, the cholesterol in eggs is not associated with an increased risk of arterial or heart diseases.  (Don't get me started on the whole "this is bad for you -- oh wait, no, it's not bad for you" merry-go-round.)

One thing to consider is to try to prevent cooking the yolks at too high of a temperature because that can cause some of the cholesterol to become oxidized.  It's the oxidized cholesterol that's heart unhealthy.

For my egg breakfast, I'll eat two fried eggs on a bed of spinach and sweet potato "toast".  Yum!

See:  Calories in 1 Egg, Whole, Fried

Breakfast Food #2: Nuts and/or Seeds

Nuts and seeds contain protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  Nuts and/or seeds should be part of your breakfast repetoire.

Naturally, don't go for “candied” nuts, sweetened nut/seed butters, or chia “cereals” with added sugars I'm talking about the real, whole, unsweetened food here.

Nuts and seeds are also the ultimate fast food if you're running late in the mornings.  So much better than a breakfast bar or muffin.  Grab a small handful of almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds as you're running out the door; you can nosh on them while you're commuting.

You can also add a spoonful of nut/seed butter into your morning breakfast smoothie.  A couple of tablespoons of hullled hemp seed can add not only protein but healthy fats.

Quick Tip: If you like a creamy latte in the mornings try making one with nut or seed butter.  Just add your regular hot tea and a tablespoon or two of a creamy nut or seed butter into your blender & blend until frothy.  

See:  Why Eating Nuts Can Help You Lose Weight

Breakfast Food #3: Veggies

It took me a long time to add veggies to my breakfasts.  I'd sometimes make a frittatta or a veggie omelet. But every breakast?  Veggies weren't for breakfast, in my mind.

Then I started adding kale and spinash to my smoothies.  And instead of eating my eggs with toast, I eat them on a bed of spinach, sweet potato "toast" -- and, if I'm feeling like something spicy, roasted hot peppers.

Veggies are powerhouses of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, fiber, and water.  You can't go wrong adding them into every single meal of the day so if you don't already you should definitely try them for breakfast!  

And no, you don't need to have a salad or roasted veggies for breakfast if you don't want to but you totally can!  You wouldn't be breaking any “official” breakfast rules or anything like that.

Adding some protein to leftover veggies is a great combination for any meal.  Including breakfast.

See:  Top 5 Healthy Dark Green Vegetables

I've included a delicious recipe below for you to try (and customize) for your next breakfast. 

Recipe (Eggs & Veggies): Veggie Omelet

Serves 1
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 or 2 eggs (how hungry are you?)
  • ¼ cup veggies (grated zucchini and/or sliced mushrooms and/or diced peppers)
  • dash salt, pepper and/or turmeric

Add coconut oil to a frying pan and melt on low-medium heat (cast-iron pans are preferred).

In the meantime grab a bowl and beat the egg(s) with your vegetables of choice and the spices.

Tilt pan to ensure the bottom is covered with the melted oil.  And then... do what I usually end up doing:   making scrambled eggs with veggies instead of an omelet! I can't make an omelet to save my life...

There are two videos down below to show you how to make the perfect omelet. Maybe you'll have more patience -- and luck -- than I do.

Serve & Enjoy!

Tip:  Substitute grated, sliced, or diced portion of your favourite vegetable.  Try grated carrots, chopped broccoli or diced tomato. Add in baby spinach, too!  It wilts quickly.  Or, if you don't like wilted spinach, just put  your veggie omelet on a bed of raw baby spinach.


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About the Author

Suzanne Hiscock is a PN L2 Certified Master Coach, ACE-certified Health Coach, as well as an ACE-certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist. For over 20 years, she's been helping people lose weight and get fit through her website,

And she’s really TRULY SORRY ABOUT THAT. You see, she didn’t realize she was contributing to diet culture; she just wanted to help people feel better. But losing weight isn’t the way to do it. She’s on a mission to change all that with an anti-diet approach. So, pardon the dust on the floor as the website gets revamped.