Calorie Counter Search Results

Your search for 'white rice cooked' returned 25 choice(s). Click on a food link down below to see the nutritional facts for that food or you can search again to refine your results by adding or removing keywords. Click here to go back to main calorie counter page.

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Cereal Grains and Pasta

  1. Kway Chap - Square, Broad And White Rice Noodles Cooked With Dark Sauce, Braised (per 206g Serving). (User Entry)
  2. Minute Instant White Rice - Cooked* (User Entry)
  3. Minute White Rice - 1/2 Cup Dry (1 Cup Cooked) (User Entry)
  4. Rice (white) Cooked (User Entry)
  5. Rice White Cooked (User Entry)
  6. Rice, White Pre Cooked (User Entry)

  7. Rice, White, Cooked (User Entry)
  8. Rice, White, Extra Long Grain, Enriched, Cooked (User Entry)
  9. Rice, White, Glutinous, Cooked (USDA)
  10. Rice, White, Long-grain, Parboiled, Enriched, Cooked (USDA)
  11. Rice, White, Long-grain, Parboiled, Unenriched, Cooked (USDA)
  12. Rice, White, Long-grain, Precooked Or Instant, Enriched, Dry (USDA)
  13. Rice, White, Long-grain, Precooked Or Instant, Enriched, Prepared (USDA)
  14. Rice, White, Long-grain, Regular, Cooked (USDA)
  15. Rice, White, Long-grain, Regular, Cooked, Enriched, With Salt (USDA)
  16. Rice, White, Long-grain, Regular, Cooked, Unenriched, With Salt (USDA)
  17. Rice, White, Long-grain, Regular, Cooked, Unenriched, Without Salt (USDA)
  18. Rice, White, Medium-grain, Cooked (USDA)
  19. Rice, White, Medium-grain, Cooked, Unenriched (USDA)
  20. Rice, White, Short-grain, Cooked (USDA)
  21. Rice, White, Short-grain, Cooked, Unenriched (USDA)
  22. Rice, White, With Pasta, Cooked (USDA)
  23. Rice: Long Grain White Rice(3/4cup Cooked)* (User Entry)
  24. White Rice Cooked (User Entry)
  25. White Rice Medium Cooked (User Entry)