Quick Fat Loss Tip: Prepare Food Ahead of Time

by Suzanne Hiscock
One way to save time during the week (and to stick to plan) is to prepare food ahead of time. I spent part of Sunday afternoon preparing (from left to right, top row to bottom): Spinach Chick Pea Curry, basmatic rice, cucumbers/carrots/hummus, pre-cut cheese pieces (30g) for snack, clementine/pineapple fruit salad (banana will be cut at eating time), 2 bowls filled with my scrambled egg fixings*, 1 bowl with 2 servings of cereal (Kashi, All Bran, soy pieces). * Scrambled egg fixings: diced low fat cheese, chopped spinach, chopped zucchini and chopped mushrooms. See my recipe: Suzanne's Low Calorie / High Protein Easy Scrambled Eggs What can YOU do to save yourself some time this week -- and stick to plan?
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About the Author

Suzanne Hiscock is a PN L2 Certified Master Coach, ACE-certified Health Coach, as well as an ACE-certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist. For over 20 years, she's been helping people lose weight and get fit through her website, FitWatch.com.

And she’s really TRULY SORRY ABOUT THAT. You see, she didn’t realize she was contributing to diet culture; she just wanted to help people feel better. But losing weight isn’t the way to do it. She’s on a mission to change all that with an anti-diet approach. So, pardon the dust on the floor as the website gets revamped.